by Wolfhouse Productions | May 27, 2019
Noul Consiliu Județean Cluj Noul Consiliu Județean, amplasat pe axa Est – Vest a orașului, într-un spațiu urban dinamic, dar cu identitate (încă) neclară, are ocazia de a lansa și de a cataliza un proces urbanistic al cărei miză constă nu doar creșterea...
by Wolfhouse Productions | Mar 9, 2019
Dimitrie Pompeiu Offices Our comission was to deliver impressive and marketable architectural visualisations for the business campus: bird’s eye views, street eye level views, lobby and office perspectives. Details Client: private Year, location: 2015,...
by Wolfhouse Productions | Feb 26, 2019
Romcarton Offices When relocating its offices, Romcarton makes a wishlist for its new offices: generous spaces, fun and welcoming common spaces, green and peacefull exterior garden, reuse of materials, cardboard design. Our proposal is the result of a thorough...