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Sibiel Built Culture

Sibiel Built Culture

Sibiel Urban Design  Sibiel is one of the best preserved saxon cultures of Transylvania. As part of Mărginimea Sibiului (‘The Outskirts of Sibiu’ Region), the village dating from the 14th century, Sibiel is more than an idealized portrait of pastoral life. It is the...
Public Space Design (Drumul Taberei)

Public Space Design (Drumul Taberei)

Public Space Design (Drumul Taberelor) The client, a multinational company with a brand oriented towards the citizens, decides to invest in the public space, in front of their own property. Respecting the client’s brief, our proposal develops based on the site’s and...
Beach Bar in Mamaia

Beach Bar in Mamaia

Beach bar in Mamaia The beach bar was a first of its kind in Mamaia, the luxury resort near Constanța: a simple open box shaped pavilion with the possibility of accommodating a multitude of cultural and social events: concerts, film projections, theatre plays, parties...